Distrikt Shade Structure

Discover how Stretch Shapes revolutionized the shade at Burning Man’s Distrikt camp with an innovative, weather-resistant fabric that spanned 150′ x 75′, providing reliable sun, wind, and rain protection while maintaining vibrant aesthetics throughout the event.

Distrikt is an iconic and enduring presence at Burning Man, known for hosting the festival’s most expansive daytime dance floor. The camp introduced the largest Shade Structure built at the 2023 event, spanning 150’ x 75’, as part of an innovative approach to providing extensive coverage with less hassle.

This endeavor also served as a real-world trial for Stretch Shapes’ proprietary Outdoor Stretch Fabric (OSF) designed to withstand the rigors of the outdoor event environment—sunlight, winds, and rain shedding. Impressively, the fabric endured over three weeks of the harsh Nevada climate without a tear or color fade, effectively shedding three consecutive days of downpours before returning to its original state.


To be the nation’s most trusted provider of innovative, stretch-fabric solutions tailored for Audio/Video, and Live Event professionals, delivering unmatched quality and creative excellence.